Some time ago I was working in a very light weight code base and found the need for basic composition with function prototypes. I didn't need or want the typical JavaScript inheritance hack that provides access to the base class via a super method or responded correctly to the instanceof operator (see: Simple JavaScript Inheritance). I just needed to combine two objects and execute their constructors in order.
Wait that is simple:
function combine(parent, child) { var constructor = function () { parent.apply(this, arguments); child.apply(this, arguments); } constructor.prototype = _.extend({}, parent.prototype, child.prototype); return constructor; }The _.extend call is in this case using Underscore.js which is just the basic mixin method.
This gave me exactly what I wanted and with just a few lines of code. The combine function takes parent and child constructor functions and returns a new constructor function which executes them both (parent then child). It also mixes in their prototypes to create a new prototype.
Example of basic usage:
function X() { this.prop1 = "parentProp1"; this.prop2 = "parentProp2"; } X.prototype = { method1: function () { return this.prop1; }, method2: function () { return this.prop2; } } function Y() { this.prop2 = "childProp2"; } Y.prototype = { method3: function () { return this.prop1 + " from child method3"; } } var Z = combine(X, Y); var z = new Z(); console.log(z.method1()); console.log(z.method2()); console.log(z.method3());
Here is a jsFiddle:
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